Caviar Labeling

Caviar labeling is a crucial aspect to ensure the traceability, authenticity and quality of the product you buy. This label provides essential information that allows you to understand the origin and characteristics of the caviar, contributing to the protection of sturgeon species and ensuring sustainable business practices.

Key elements of the caviar label:

  1. Species Code: Each type of sturgeon is identified by a unique alphanumeric code. For example, "HUS" refers to Beluga, while "GUE" identifies Oscetra. This code is essential to determine the species from which the caviar comes.
  2. Caviar Origin: The origin of the caviar is indicated with a letter that distinguishes wild (W) from farmed (C) caviar. Since wild sturgeon fishing has been banned since 1998, all legal caviar on the market must come from certified farms.
  3. Country of Origin: The label includes the abbreviation of the country where the caviar was produced or packaged, such as "IT" for Italy, "RU" for Russia, and so on. It is important to note that in some cases, caviar may be packaged in a country other than the country of origin of the fish, which may affect the country of origin indication on the label.
  4. Year of Production: This information indicates the year in which the eggs were harvested, allowing consumers to assess the freshness of the product.
  5. Plant Code and Batch Identification: These codes provide information on the specific place of production and the production batch, essential for product traceability.

Importance of Labeling:

The information on the label is not only a legal requirement, but also represents a guarantee for the consumer. A clear and detailed label ensures that the caviar has been produced in accordance with international regulations, particularly those established by CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). This labeling system protects both consumers and ecosystems, ensuring that the caviar is authentic and comes from legal and sustainable sources.


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